Eastern Europe and Russia, AP World History p.2

Leader Analysis

Rurik King (of Kievan Russia)

Name of Leader: Rurik
Lifespan: died 1019
Title: Prince of Kievan Rus'
Country/Region: Russia
Yeaers in Power: started in 855
Political, social, economic conditions prior to gaining power: The influence of the Byzantines was an important development. Slavic people moved into plains of russia. Mixed with inhabitants and invaders. Used iron, extended agriculture in the rich soils of Ukraine. Maintained an animist religion with gods of the sun, thunder, wind, and fire. Rich tradition of folk music and oral legends. Developed loose regional kingdom.
Ideology: A monarchy emerged, said to be a legend. Principality, through still loosely organized through alliances with regional, landed aristocrats.
Actions: Set up some government along their trade routes, particularly in the city of Kiev.
Short term effects: Contacts extended steadily. Kiev became a prosperous trading center.
Long term effects: name Russia was coined, from the Greek word "red"

Vladimir I

Lifespan: Unknown
Title: Prince Vladimir
Country/Region: Kiev, Russia
Years in Power: 980-1015
Prior to Gaining Power: No central government, no major religion, many people had different religions. Trade routes were not as strong.
Ideology: Took the step of converting all to Christianity, not for his name but on behalf of all his people
Actions: Organized mass baptisms for all subjects, forcing conversion by the military.Priest imported from the Byzantines, help train a new literate Russian priesthood
Short term effects: Kievan Rus' became Christian, largest single state in Europe. Issued a formal law code that reducted the security of traditional punishments.
Long term effects: Decendants stayed in power for many centuries after. Replaced community vendettas with state run courts. The main religion in Russia today is Christianity.


Lifespan: Unknown
Title: Prince Yaroslav
Country/Region: Kievan
Years in Power: 1019-1054
Prior to gaining power: all of Kievan turned Christian under Vladimir's rule. New laws came and government changed majorly.
Ideology: To make the religion be more important in every day life
Actions: Issued the legal codification while building many churches and arranging the translation of religious literature from Greek to Slavic
Short Term effects: Books were changed to be read by all Slavic as a requirement, like the bible (for example)
Long term effects: Last prince of Kievan to rule, churches were seen all over Kievan Rus'

Cyril and Methodius

Lifespan: Unknown
Title: Missionaries
Country/Region: Czech and Slovak
Years in Power: sent in 864 (church leaders, didn't really rule per say)
Prior to gaining power: No centralized religion. Some king/leaders wanted all people together in one religion. They were sent to spread the Roman Catholic religion
Ideology, Motivation, Goals: Motivations and golas were to conform/change poeple into Roman Catholics. Even tried after the already failed.
Actions: The attempt to change Czech and Slovak failed but that didn't stop them, and they continued their effeorts into the Balkans and in southern Russia, where their ability to speak the Slavic language aided their efforts. Devised a written script for the language, derived from Greek letters.
Short term effects: Their efforts to change all the people to Roman Catholics. Local languages were used in chruch services.
Long term effects: Slavic writing stayed and was called Cyrillic.

Theodora and Zoe

Lifespan: Unknown
Title: Empress Theodora/ Empress Zoe
Country/Region: Byzantine Empire
Years in Power: 981-1056
Prior to gaining power: The Byzantine political system had remarkable similarities to the earlier patters in China. She was the wife of Justinian (she basically told him what to do). Court rituals symbolized an all-powerful ruler.
Ideology: Women held the imperial throne, maintaining the ceremonial power of the office.
Actions: Illustrate the complex nature of Byzantine politics and the whims of the fate that affected women rulers. Limit bureaucratic corruption, although her servere retaliations agains personal enemies brought criticism
Short term effects: kept her laws until Byzantine rulers adapted teh later Roman system by recruiting troops
Long term effects: one of history's most elaborate bureaucracies. First woman in power, and leader to be recruited from any social class.

Chinggis Khan

Name of Leader: Temujin
Lifespan: unknown
Title: Emperor Chinggis Khan (of the Mongols)
Country/Region: Originally from Central Asia, expanded empire across Eurasia and to parts of Africa
Years in Power: 1206-1227
Prior to gaining power: nomadic society and cultural survival depended on the well-being of the herds of goats and sheep they drove from one pasture area to another. Traded hides and dary products for jewelry.
Ideology: Conquer as many areas as possible, making them known as the greatest nomadic tribe.
Action: Conquered many areas, allowed the areas to keeps religion and tradition. Conquered Russia with the golden army. What Chinggis Khan did influenced almost all of the following emperors after him.
Short term effects: The nomadic trabes that conquered the most land in a short span of time
Long term effects: Many cultures that followed took ideas form the Mongols to become the greatest emperor. The black death was passed along the Silk Road trading route that they opened back up, passing to Europe and leading to several events after the Mongols were long gone.
Kristina M., 1/24/11